Provides insight about the internal perspectives of the organization by garnering feedback from the Board, staff, and key insiders. Through this approach, we ask questions about what they feel are the most important areas such as programs, initiatives, and priorities for their organization to embrace at this time.
Most organizations have a “glass half empty” mindset. Through our practical approach not only do we question the size of the glass, we identify what is in it! This is an inclusive and systematic process for determining and addressing "gaps" between current and desired conditions, as well as helping to identify possible solutions to improve organizational performance prior to the Strategic Planning.
Planning takes time, money and additional resources. We take the time to get to know your organization both inside and out to help you ...
1. Identify lofty yet realistic goals,
2. Prioritize goals, create strategies and tactics moving you toward your goals,
3. Assign activities to share responsibility,
4. Set up a process to help you evaluate and monitor progress of all the moving parts.
Database Management
Data Entry
We specialize in:
Program Development & Collaborations
Proposal Submissions
Small-Large Foundation Applications
Complex Applications for City, County, State and Federal proposals
Grant Management & Reporting
Volunteer Management
Fundraising Strategies
Marketing & Communications
Marketing Material
Press Releases
Social Media Content
Website Content
We offer half and full-day workshops in the following areas. We provide follow-up support to all attendees.
Engage Your Board
Leadership Best Practices
4 Steps to Creating a Solid Plan:
Identify, Prioritize, Assign & Evaluate
Recruit and Retain Great Volunteers
360° of Fund Development*
Ambassadors: The Key to Expanding Your Resources
The ASK- It's Not About the Money
Developing Long-Term Strategic Partnerships
Diversify Your Fundraising Plan
Grant Writing 101
Your Next Special Event: So Much More Than A Fundraiser*
Keys to Nonprofit Marketing*
Social Media Instruction
*In conjunction w/ TRGW
The T3 Model © was developed over 30 years working with nonprofits that had very little resources, or so they thought! The T3 program is a relationship-based model that builds upon the treasures your organization already possesses and identifies areas of opportunity to expand your resources to achieve your goals
We offer three levels of training and support.
3 Simple Things
that will immediately make your organization stand out:
1. Send a hand written THANK YOU note to a donor, volunteer or community partner. Tell them how their gift has made an impact.
2. Call a supporter to say THANK YOU, share an update on your work and ask for feedback.
3. Tell 1 person (new to your organization) about the good work you are doing.
"Having worked professionally with staff from over 50 private child welfare and family service agencies during my 30 year career as the Executive Director of the Wisconsin Association of Family and Children's Agencies, I would not hesitate to recommend Cyndi to an agency CEO, as a valuable asset whose work ethic, management style, and 'can do' attitude would be useful in achieving the agency's goals in any number of ways."
-John Grace
Independent Nonprofit Organization Management Professional